We have just switched to System Center Endpoint Protection.
But we have just been told by our suppliers that It is being discontinued, and would would need to look at another product.
Can anyone confirm this?
Technology Tips and News
We have just switched to System Center Endpoint Protection.
But we have just been told by our suppliers that It is being discontinued, and would would need to look at another product.
Can anyone confirm this?
Hi Martin,
Microsoft had integrated Endpoint protection into System Center configuration manager with 2012 release and its not going anywhere.
Highly recommend you to read: http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/7/0/870B5D9B-ACF1-4192-BD0A-543AF551B7AE/System%20Center%202012%20Licensing%20FAQ.pdf
What was discontinued were all products with "ForeFront" in their name (except FIM and FOPE): http://blogs.technet.com/b/server-cloud/archive/2012/09/12/important-changes-to-forefront-product-roadmaps.aspx
Endpoint Protection was renamed and I'd expect FIM will be renamed at some point also.
This is what I thought they had done, but we were told otherwise.
They said that Microsoft were stopping development of all it's AV software, and we must move away.
So am I right in thinks that Endpoint with system center will be around for may years to come.
You are fine. SCEP isn't going anywhere.